전체 글(90)
Trump, who targeted the Biden administration, which caused inflation by raising
Trump's election Trump, who targeted the Biden administration, which caused inflation by raising the minimum wage to surge living prices and supporting the Russia-Ukraine war for Europe to sell U.S. crude oil, won in the end. It seems that the U.S. people, who are tired of prices, sympathized with his policy of lowering prices by lifting regulations on the oil, gas and coal industry. It seems to..
2024.11.07 -
KG케미칼 많이 하락했네요
대통령바뀌고 강달러 정책만 나오는중이다보니 전체지수에서 외인이탈이 많습니다 코스피 코스닥 대다수종목들이 외인매도가 심각한 상황이며 전체적으로 반이상 분할매도되어 나간 종목이 많이 있는 상태입니다. 미국이 강달러정책을 멈춰야 외인이탈이 줄고 우리나라 기업들도 좀 살아날텐데 전반적으로 달러보유량이 많고 달러거래만하는 기업이 아닌경우 분기실적도 많이 안좋을 수 밖에 없습니다.KG케미칼은 중간중간 외인이 단타치는중인데 대부분 외인이 단타치고 나가고 매일 계속 분할매도합니다 그렇다보니 개인 기관 기법도 들어왔다가 외인이탈이 너무 심하니까 다시 매도하고 나가네요 적은수량으로 손절매매 외인이탈만 나오다보니 계속 우하향하는 차트가 만들어졌습니다. 일단 미국이 약달러로 빠져야 그돈이 한국이나 일본으로 투자되어 흘러들어올..
2024.11.07 -
Business Model - The source of investment returns is "the fundamental economic
Secrets of Successful Companies Read in Nomad Investor Letter) 1) Business Model - The source of investment returns is "the fundamental economic improvement of the business run by the investment company," not the stock price. - "The source of all the wealth created by capitalism" is "the relationship that corporate employees have with customers through the company". This is the most important fa..
2024.11.07 -
Basílica de la Sagrada Familia In 1883, a devout Catholic organization entrusted
Basílica de la Sagrada Familia In 1883, a devout Catholic organization entrusted Gaudi with the construction of the cathedral with the fundraising of believers who were repenting for his sins. It took over from another architect who first began designing it a year ago, which continued until Gaudi's death in 1926 and has since taken over by other architects. Initially, it worked with other commis..
2024.11.07 -
The first image shows Nokia shares rising 80 percent and then falling 95 percent
1. The first image shows Nokia shares rising 80 percent and then falling 95 percent in the 12 months since the day Steve Jobs first unveiled his iPhone (Jan. 9, 2007). (It is not causally/correlated with the impact of AI search integrated into ChatGPT on Google 😊) 2. The second image is Google's global search market share trend. The latest level is 2014 (data source is statcounter). 3. The more ..
2024.11.07 -
Kamala Harris, at her last campaign rally in Ellipse
'Trump's America': His Returning to Power Announce a New Kind of Nation After all, Donald J. Trump was not a historical aberration as some thought, but a transformative force that reshaped modern America in its own image. Peter Baker Nov. 6, 2024 Kamala Harris, at her last campaign rally in Ellipse last week, accused Donald Trump of being an anomaly that does not represent the United States. "Th..