Andrej Karpathy, a founding member of OpenAI and former head of Tesla's AI, foun

2024. 7. 17. 23:30U.S 미국주식 주가전망 분석


Andrej Karpathy, a founding member of OpenAI and former head of Tesla's AI, founded an education company called Eureka Labs.

It was expected because he is serious about AI education. In summary, it is as follows.

- How nice would it be to be able to get physical education from someone as brilliant as Feynman?
- AI can be a language-savvy and patient teacher in all languages around the world
- After educating AI to become an educator, we use the method of educating students with that AI
- Start with your famous LLM lecture

In other words, educators will provide and educate AI with a curriculum, so that students will be educated through AI.

However, even if you say so, AI will eventually be able to completely replace it, so I'm sure you'll get a lot of backlash from existing teachers.

However, it is clear that this bandwagon is an unstoppable one. In addition, it will be possible to provide not only learning but also counseling for students' various concerns. It seems that it is time for a serious discussion about what future educators really do.
