U.S 미국주식 주가전망 분석(64)
how to write an introduction to a scientific paper
how to write an introduction to a scientific paper Charles Dawgson, under the pen name Lewis Carroll, wrote: "A white rabbit was wearing glasses. Where can I begin to please your Majesty?" He asked. The king replied seriously, 'Start from the beginning to the end, and then stop.' The story explains how to begin the story simply and elegantly. You can think of the author of a scientific paper as ..
2024.10.26 -
SK하이닉스 3Q24 실적발표 주요 Q&A (3)
[유안타증권 반도체 백길현] ■ SK하이닉스 3Q24 실적발표 주요 Q&A (3) 5. PC/모바일 수요 둔화되면서 재고 이슈가 있을텐데, 현재 회사의 재고 상황은? 제품별로 재고 정상화 시점은? - PC/모바일 수요 회복이 당초 예상보다 지연되면서, 당사는 생산 계획 조정해서 재고 비중 높은 일부 Legacy 생산 비중 빠르게 축소하고 있음. - 3분기말 PC/모바일 고객 재고는 전분기와 비슷한 수준, 상대적으로 수요 견조한 서버 고객 재고는 양호한 수준. 한편 PC/모바일/서버 등 응용처 상관없이 D5/LPD5는 여전히 높은 수요를 유지하고 있음. - HBM 생산확대로 일반 디램 생산 여력 제한적. 현재 수급은 타이트함. 이에 내년 HBM/LPD5/D5 수요 업사이드 등을 대응하기 위해 당사는 선단공..
2024.10.24 -
My father, who had been battling chronic diseases
My father, who had been battling chronic diseases for a long time, went in and out of the intensive care unit and ward two months ago due to pneumonia, but he was preparing to some extent because it was pneumonia of old age. And on Friday morning of last week, my father left us and died in heaven. Like most fathers of our age, my father has rarely shown his children a fat appearance. The occasio..
2024.09.11 -
The New York Stock Exchange struggled to
The New York Stock Exchange struggled to escape the previous day's plunge, but failed. The three major indexes ended mixed today, showing some potential for a recovery in investor sentiment, but they look more negative in that buying was completely pushed back by a strong sell-off just before the market closed. In particular, Nvidia, which led the previous day's sell-off, was very dynamic, with ..
2024.09.06 -
The Wemakef Timon case is buried a little
The Wemakef Timon case is buried a little because of the Olympics. In fact, this is an agenda that may require a parliamentary investigation. It is necessary to see if the government properly controlled the M&A approval process. The reason is, If a company goes bankrupt, it is the fault of the manager who made the wrong business management, so it is not something to blame and blame. However, the..
2024.07.31 -
I can imagine up to this point, but I think it's an
I can imagine up to this point, but I think it's an open question whether it can be solved like this. The days when the humanities department was studying "department" as a "subdivision" are ending anyway, and whether the "national university" protects it or leads it to state-run "liberal arts liberal arts education" is one key issue. On the other hand, there are some questions about whether the..