U.S 미국주식 주가전망 분석(64)
important and attracting a lot of attention, right?
I was so surprised to hear the word 'reverse coup' recently. It's because AI semiconductors are that important and attracting a lot of attention, right? But coup d'état is not the same political situation as in the 1980s, is the AI semiconductor market? Rather, I hope that the media is not trying to make a side effect that was only seen in political news in the 1980s... In a way, it's natural, b..
2024.06.29 -
미 상무부, 1분기 미국의 국내총생산(GDP) 증가율(확정치)이 1.4%(직전분기 대비 연율)로 집계됐다고 밝힘.
안녕하세요, 대신증권 FICC리서치부에서 시황/전략을 담당하고 있는 이경민입니다. [6월 28일 주요국 이슈] 보내드립니다. # 미국 미 상무부, 1분기 미국의 국내총생산(GDP) 증가율(확정치)이 1.4%(직전분기 대비 연율)로 집계됐다고 밝힘. 이는 2022년 2분기(-0.6%) 이후 가장 저조한 성장률. 작년 4분기(3.4%) 대비 성장률이 크게 둔화한 가운데 지난달 발표된 잠정치(1.3%)에서 0.1%포인트 상향 조정. 다우존스가 집계한 전문가 전망치에는 부합. GDP 증가율을 낮추는 요인으로 수입이 잠정치 추계 대비 하향조정 되었고 비거주 고정투자 및 정부지출이 상향 조정되었다고 상무부는 설명 네이버웹툰의 모기업인 웹툰 엔터테인먼트가 27일(현지시간) 뉴욕 증시 상장 첫날 10% 가까이 급등. ..
2024.06.29 -
In Oedipus of Sophocles, Iokaste advised her son and husband not to
"There is no meaning in life." In Oedipus of Sophocles, Iokaste advised her son and husband not to believe in Delphi trusts and prophecies, saying, "Humans are governed by chance and can't see anything for sure, so what good is it that they are afraid? It is best to live as much as possible from day to day. So don't be afraid of marrying your mother. Many men have already slept with her in their..
2024.06.23 -
When I took the U-Quiz, I found an interesting
The secret to success of those who have no differentiation and no connections: Subtitle) Dum bargaining ---- 1. When I took the U-Quiz, I found an interesting person. A young man who didn't like studying failed to study in Korea. I came to the U.S. to study due to my parents' anger, but of course, I couldn't study. So I don't study, but do some sales. 2. One day, I went to a world food festival ..
2024.06.23 -
NASDAQ 16,735(-0.01%) 10-year U.S. bond interest rate 4.503% (-1.05%)
closing of the United States #PCE #SellingSleeves #DELL NASDAQ 16,735(-0.01%) 10-year U.S. bond interest rate 4.503% (-1.05%) USD Index 104.611p (-0.12%) NDF 1,381 KRW (-3 KRW) Although PCE indicators for April met expectations, the market was mixed as consumer indicators remained sluggish. The Dow and S&P 500 rose sharply, but the Nasdaq remained flat due to sluggish technology stocks. In April..
2024.06.20 -
日本的變化似乎很快。 看完新聞再走吧。
日本的變化似乎很快。 看完新聞再走吧。 據報道,上田佳彥當天下午在東京首相官邸與岸田佳彥舉行會談後表示:"就一般經濟、金融狀況交換了意見。" 特別是對於日元的弱勢,他補充說:"已經確認將予以充分關注","將密切關注物價上漲率對日元匯率的影響。" 上田和岸田舉行了會晤。 日元貶值的話題不僅在日本國內,在全球膾炙人口的時期也是會晤,因此備受關注。 岸田和上田舉行會晤之前,日本外匯當局曾介入外匯市場,控制日元匯率,阻止日元走低。 但是……在此前後,美國財政部長耶倫曾強烈警告稱,不能隨意做出這種事情。 要想阻止日元走低,必須介入…… 如果介入的話,美國可能會打我。 這可怎麼辦纔好呢.. 如果不能插手的話…。 除了正面進攻之外別無他法。 就是改變貨幣政策。 上田總裁已經說過中央銀行好像不是以匯率爲目標的…… 如果日元走低能夠有效刺激通貨膨脹,到時候可以考慮。 而且,他還同時發表評論說:"目前,日..